Your own Boss v an Employee

Let us break a couple of myths first:
You think you are the boss.
If fact no!
Because no business exists without customers. So let us be clear on one thing – the real boss is always the customer.
Then the second myth is:
To be a boss one has to quit one's job!
Here is the real secret.
The road to success is to have the right state of mind and that is being entrepreneurial. Only then think about being your own boss!
If you are an entrepreneur and can deliver to customers then even if you are an employee you will be the real boss.
Because in the end what matters is making sufficient money to live on to save for your pension, having a meaningful daily life activity by making something or serving someone.
The satisfaction comes from providing something of worth to others.
When you are good at what you do, it will not matter to your employer where you are executing the work from. By having the right state of mind, by being entrepreneurial and deliver to customers you will be able to do what you want: stay out, get recruited, or start on your own.
Then you can claim to be the real boss.
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