Switzerland: the reasons for its success!

What are the 5 reasons that Countries succeed? Here are 5 that propel to become one of the best countries in the world.

1.  National Spirit. 
2. Free market.
3. Global Trade.
4. Direct democracy (referendums).
5. Strong work ethic.

Free Market:
Among the first of Nations to grasp the opportunity that a free market offers.  From around 1200,  with their work ethics, the Swiss develop the concept of soldiering into a profession. They earned good wages by offering their services as Mercenaries in Europe. When demands for that activity declined the Swiss ex-Mercenaries used the network they had built to develop trade and commerce.

These centuries of re-invention, improvisation, and innovation is now in-built in their DNA and is the cause of prosperity in Switzerland. It is having a competitive free market economy. All the other supporting causes necessarily flow from it and are caused by it.

Become your own Switzerland and build an international network to present yourself, and your services.

One way is to open your office in Switzerland!

The Swiss Association Empowering professional firms to bring Swiss-Certified WealthCare services to families globally. 


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