Reaching Decision Makers
If you do not Reach Decision Makers then you have less chance to progress in your missions.
So how do you reach the top guy:
Get introduced and use Referrals
Getting introduced and using referrals helps build trust and familiarity which is crucial to help you through the introductions of your conversation.
Find out as much you can about the target by leveraging linked-in. Top guys normally keep their LinkedIn profiles updated and it can be the best medium to find information about your prospects and get closer to the decision-makers.
Be unique by providing something that will be a benefit for the prospect. Your offering should be different than what most people approach the prospects with.
Focus on the benefits your offer will bring to him and his company. "Let me tell you how my services will get you more members/clients!"
Make the message entertaining and worth following up on
Spend time on the message you will send to your prospect. Make it entertaining. Highlight the critical details and use bullet points.
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