Private Wealth and Family Office Association – Financial Independence.

Success is what you make it to be. The current world order - our civilization – is defined by socio-politico-economic characteristics that WE have constructed.

Through it we also created an elite, that we knew held huge amount of wealth, privileges, political power, (and though less and less now )skill in our society. In the early stage of civilisation the elite were those we considered powerful enough to organise and defend our society, our economic system and our values. We tolerated them because we also benefited.

But there has been a power shift away from the socio-politico elite now to the economic elite. In the past who ever control the votes control the affairs of the state.

Now it is mostly those financially strong who have the power.

Whilst movements are afoot to try to change the dominance of the economic elite, we cannot and should not leave our own future and that of our family solely in the hands of the law makers or the clergy.

The best way to move up the ladder to the elite is by gaining financial freedom.

If you do not yet feel financially free, know that it can be done. But you have to become passionate about it. Either you do something about it yourself or you get somebody to do it with you. Financial freedom releases time to prioritise campaigns and actions you want to support and do. It will increase your level of happiness.

Through the Private Wealth and Family Office Community, we will make more people financially independent by sharing what I and other experts learned from the super-rich.  PWFO subscribed to the UNSDGoals and the first on these Goals is “no poverty”, which I equal to Financial Independence.

The Swiss Association Empowering professional firms to bring Swiss-Certified WealthCare services to families globally. 


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