Private Wealth and Family Office Association – achieving financial security.


Education and determination are the keys to success in this new world. Success means different things to each one of us. Whether it is health, love, being extremely rich or being able to spend hours medidating, modern living happily implies being financially secure.

An important part of our waking hours if not the most, are spent working or running our businesses trying to make money so that we can improve our personal finances.

If you are already financially secure for life: great. If not and you are still working, let me share with you what I learned from the super rich whom I served for many years.

  1. During the ‘earnings’ part of your life, save the maximum realistically possible.
  2. Protect your savings and place it so it grows and ends up becoming sufficient to meet your lifetime cash flow requirement.
  3. Recalculate your “post earnings” life time cash flow requirement and what you want to pass on to match what you have saved.

Financial planning to achieve financial security is a must for every responsible person. But in reality the system makes it taboo to talk about it. Break that taboo and take your financial future in hand and become financially secure.

The Swiss Association Empowering professional firms to bring Swiss-Certified WealthCare services to families globally. 


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