Newsletter 11 - December 2023

Welcome to the December newsletter where we present our Thought Leader program, recap our latest posts and share the latest news of the LCPA initiative!
PWFO is a members-benefit, designation-granting Association for Finance Professionals serving Families and Private Clients. One of the benefits it provides to members is assembling Thought Leaders with expertise in a specific domain of financial services. They publish articles to offer PWFO members guidance and insight in their field of expertise.
The program will be taken to new levels in 2024; Belinda Wong, one of our thought leaders, will be taking the lead to re-energise the program, and we will be introducing a new thought leader shortly. Stay tuned!
Find out more about the PWFO Thought Leader Program
In case you missed our November posts, here's a recap:
Many critics of the Western civilization claim that it is in decline and that the East and Africa have nothing to learn from it...
Pre-investment due diligence and post-investment continuous controlling of your investment managers.
Unless you decide to manage your own investments, choosing one or more investment managers will be crucial to providing your portfolio the best return per the risk you decide to take...
The fear of "others" is a powerful and dangerous emotion that has been used to justify some of the most horrific acts of violence and oppression in human history...
In this ever changing world, human core nature has not changed in a million years. It will not even change in the next million years. Only the superficial things have changed...
Our Thought Leaders, Partners-in-Learning, the Governing Body and the whole Team of PWFO wish you a Healthy & Prosperous 2024 and look forward to sharing exciting new ventures to come!
LCPA - The Local Community Prosperity Alliance
Ayoob Rawat, who is the co-founder of LCPA, spoke at The Swiss Impact Investment Association - 4IP Group Sàrl webinar on Thursday, 7th of December, entitled "Connecting entrepreneurship and the UN SDGs in South Africa: The Role of the Market Enablers".
This has led to the possibility of new partnerships in the near future. Watch out for the exciting projects coming in 2024 to support entrepreneurs !!
Apprentice Program
If you're interested in having trainees work on your projects or assist you, ultimately becoming suitable candidates for recruitment, contact us for a chat at [email protected]