Individuals and families to change the world – Sustainable Development Goals.

During last week, I followed up on the subject of Sustainable Development Goals with experts namely Francesca Sharp, Sustainability Manager at ICAEW and Chichi UMESI, of the Permanent Mission of Nigeria in Geneva, Advisor to the SDG Lab. I know both as excellent ambassadors of the UNSDG.

We agreed that the bottom-up approach must be propagated more to accelerate the “talks” becoming “walks”; integrated in our businesses, shared with our local and state representatives, become part of our daily lives.

Francesca introduced me to Certified B Corporations, which are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. B Corps are accelerating a global culture shift to redefine success in business and build a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

At a personal level I commit to incorporate UNSDGoals in any business, association, campaign, social group  I am involved in.

I encourage more to do the same and incorporate the 17 Goals in our life and that of community, our children.

Let me wish you a healthy life supporting the sustainable development goals for the benefit of our loved ones.

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