Economic recovery
According to the World Bank, the global economy could ultimately shrink 5.2% in 2020—the deepest cut since WWII.
Global Growth in 2021 based on a rebound forecast is estimated at 4.2%. If a vaccine is found then the rebound will be higher.
At the micro-level what can Businesses do to create our own economic recovery?
First, you have to revisit your mission and then your strategy to achieve what that mission is. The first decision to make is do you retrench from the Global economy – that is GoLocal? The model for your business to implement will then be very different from one that intends to stay and growing Globally.
For a go global business, the opportunities will be huge in an $87Trn market. The economies of emerging countries will drive growth with expanding demand for capital and consumer goods.
So how do you access these often distant and risky emerging markets?
One sure way is by building strategic alliances around win-win propositions. This presentation offers a synthetic introduction on how to mobilize internal resources to the company and access from Switzerland to external public-private commercial, financial, legal, and logistical support services essential to access attractive but distant and risky emerging markets.
Find your ideal partner in the importing and exporting country and develop a sales plan. Mobilize internal resources to the company and access from external public-private commercial, financial, legal, and logistical support services available.
Do not hesitate to discuss your requirements with me of another Cross-Border expert.