Bringing an initial idea to life is just the beginning

It is often the case that the first realization uncovers new challenges and opportunities, prompting the need for additional creative thinking. The journey from conception to success is rarely a straight line; it is more like a spiral, ascending with each new idea that builds upon the previous ones.
Sylvan Goldman owned the Piggly Wiggly supermarket chain in Oklahoma City and he was doing pretty well. However, the quantity of goods each customer would buy was constrained by how much could be physically carried. He realised customer ceased shopping when their baskets became overly full or burdensome to carry. Inspired by a folding chair, he got a carpenter and a maintenance man to put wheels on the legs of a folding chair and placed a basket on the seat. This contraption was the prototype for the first grocery cart. But that did not take off.
So he went further and designed a cart with two wire baskets to help customers carry more goods. His invention, initially met with scepticism, became a global success after he hired models to demonstrate its convenience, leading to the founding of the Folding Carrier Basket Company for mass production. Goldman's simple yet brilliant idea, born amidst economic hardship, transformed the way people shop and is still indispensable in supermarkets today.
Just as Sylvan Goldman observed the limitations of his customers' physical capacity to carry goods and sought to empower them with a tool that expanded their purchasing potential, I discovered the limitations in financial literacy among private citizens and families. My goal is to empower them with knowledge and tools through PWFO, enabling them to take control of their financial futures.
PWFO aims to equip individuals and families with the ability to manage their wealth more effectively. This not only enhances their personal financial experience but also holds financial institutions accountable, ensuring they serve their clients' best interests.
Both Sylvan Goldman's and my objective are about lifting constraints—be it the physical burden of carrying groceries or the burden of financial dependency on banks. Both seek to transform a passive experience into an active and empowered one, where the user, or in your case, the client, is put in the driver's seat with greater autonomy and capability.